Comprehensive  Plan Update Public Review Draft

Columbia Township is currently in the process of updating their Comprehensive Plan. The Township and their consultant, McBride Dale Clarion, have been working for the past 6 months on the plan update. The planning process has included a thorough review of the existing plan and Township documents, four steering committee meetings, and discussions with the Township administration. The resulting plan is a strategic update of the Township’s 2011 Comprehensive Plan. The plan is organized into 5 chapters: introduction, existing conditions, goals and strategies, future land use, and implementation.Columbia Township Comprehensive Plan update public review draft is available by clicking  here.

Comprehensive Plan Update Review Survey

Columbia Township encourage you to review the entire plan and provide any comments or questions that you may have  by completing a survey. The survey includes comment areas that pertain to each chapter. All comments will be reviewed and taken into consideration as the plan moves forward towards adoption. Comprehensive Plan Update Survey is available by clicking  here.